The Organic ETP of Kolkata : Kolkata Diaries I

"Look at the selfishness of these multi nationals", bellowed our guide for the day puffing his third cigarette in the last hour. We stood at a junction to our left lay the wetland area and to our right the who's who of 5 star hotels from the ITC to the Marriotts. He was concerned and rightly so.

 Kolkata pushes out 750 million litres of water every single day and yet the city has no sewage treatment plants! Infant the one set up by the British in the 1800s lies abandoned as a testimony to the worlds only organic, natural filtration units; the Eastern Kolkata Wetlands.
 Here's how it works, nature's take at her Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Demo.

Clarifier:  The waste water gets collected in a large pond with gates to narrow channels. While the heavier matter settles and decomposes the turbid stale solution moves through the specially designed gates. These are a special kind of NRVs (Non Return Values for those who don't frequent plumbing stores). They are designed with a parabolic curvature so the fish on the other side who feed on the organic matter don't accidentally get into the filth while on their evening swim.

Aeration tank: The locals fish catchment area or the Bheris.  These fish output here is to the order of 10 thousand tonnes every year and the reason why the city enjoys low priced delicacy as their staple. From here onward begin 8-10kms stretches have been carved up the estuaries which acts as the nephrons in our kidneys. There are several who offer bike rides introducing you to the marsh mongoose, civets, phytoplankton and over 100 local flora and fauna specimens. This eco hot spot has 3000 farmers using the manure from the banks for their lush farms that runs for acres.

Disinfection: A recent study showed the phosphate and nitrate percentage dropping as you followed the meandering water capillaries due to rapidly multiplying surface area maximising the suns UV treatment (Talk about sun bathing to these guys!). This beautiful piece of carbon sink allows you to drink a glass of water at the end of its detox and guarantees a healthy tummy which the puchka seller in Boi Bazaar (read more about this here) won't. 

Something that a few in the city are aware of is the fact that this system serves as a natural flooding barrier. Fun fact- Chennai had 27 such systems of which only 6 survive today and all the flooding in the city last year took place in the "developed colonies" built over these marshes. All plastic recycling units and industries dot the wastelands and land sharks eye the small fish the uncomfortable questions hangs in the moist air, How long before another Salt Lake suburb takes up the kidney of the city built for 10 lakh but houses a 100?

As I walked back to my ride, I saw a small girl excitedly pull out her DIY fishing rod with a Tilapia fluttering on the other side. I hope the reason for the glint in her eyes lives on.


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