One less lonely girl
She isn't somebody from a fiction novel,she is the girl who holds the lift door for you and smiles in the morning, she is the girl you gets your copies when your too bored to walk to your printer, she is the girl who 'looks' sooooo cute with her boyfriend.We needn't venture out to far away lands to find a a lonely girl and the saddest part of it all...As we talk about the lady CEO and the kickboxing trainers in their Nike gears the lonely girl number only increases.
Why is it that a girl can never think for herself? Why don't we ever care to peel down the layers of her 'perfect' life to let her know its OK to be not perfect?Why can't we ask her if all's good even if her hair is perfect and she's has a BBM update which goes <3 /shopping!/ MUAH?
This woman goes out of her way (sometimes derails herself) to make sure everybody around her has a smile on their face,this woman sustains on the love you give her and when she isn't provided with it she fears, she gropes, she curls up in damp corners, she feels alone and stays that way killing herself softly.
So today go out and hug all the beautiful women in your life because that's all they need.
It is what they will look forward to tomorrow and what they will hold on to the day after.